Identification of Safety Risk in Construction Project: A Systematic Literature Review

Document Type : Original Article


1 Civil Engineering Department, Master Degree, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia

2 Industrial Engineering Department, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia

3 Lampung University


In the world, accidents that occur in construction projects are ta fairly high part. Several factors cause this accident. One of those is a lack of information about occupational health and safety risk. In the construction project, it is necessary to know about safety risks to minimize the number of accidents, besides that, it is necessary to know the parties responsible for safety risk if there’s an accident in the working area. The paper of this literature review is to present risks that cause a safety risk for the past ten years. The result of this paper is safety risk factors as seen from risk responsibility; Client’s responsibility, Contractor’s responsibility, Shared responsibility, and Undecided Responsibility. This research used a systematic literature review. Based on 26 journals review about safety risk, the most responsibility in construction projects about those risks is the Contractor’s Responsibility (57%).


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