Analysis of the Effect of Factors on Hydraulic Engineering Software on Time Performance of Sewerage Design

Document Type : Original Article


University of Mercu Buana


Almost all construction projects are almost certain to experience delays that occur at each stage of the project including the planning and design stages. In the implementation of infrastructure projects such as wastewater piping networks, there are still frequent delays in the planning and design stages. This is of course influenced by many factors, including the low use of Advanced Engineering Software. The use of conventional software such as Microsoft Excel is still an option in sewerage analyzing so that it takes more time to design or correct the design. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the factors in the use of hydraulic engineering software that affect the design time performance of the sewerage. The results of multiple linear analysis show that with the simultaneous use of the factors of ease of analysis, clear visualization, design coverage, scenario management, automated design, integration with GIS, conversion and accuracy have a positive influence on the design time of the sewerage where the most influential factor is scenario management.


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