A Systematic Literature Review of Risk Assessment in Water Supply System Project

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Mercu Buana

2 Industrial Engineering Department, University of Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia


Risk is often assumed that the word implies a negative outcome. It is commonplace that risk is uncertain. Although a feasibility study had been carried out before the construction of water supply project started but it could not be avoided that risks would still occur. The risks that arise in real are very diverse, such as the risk of rejection by the community, the design is not good, the construction that is not by the design, the uncertain quality of raw water so that water treatment is inefficient and the risk of Public-Private Partnership (PPP). Referring to the risk phenomenon that occurs in the water supply project, so this research is carried out on research on risks in drinking water projects that have been carried out before to find out about the description of more likely risks that occur. This summary literature review shows that Technical Risk risks have the greatest impact on water supply risk projects either in the internal or projects category.


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